Who Are We?

Who Are We?

Meet The Founder

New Age Walls was founded by Tina during the Melbourne Covid lockdown of August 2020. Tina has always been passionate about art and was trasferring her skills from canvases to digital platforms when she saw a need for her creativity in the market.

Since then, New Age Walls has grown at a rate of 70% and we now have customers all over the world including Australia, USA, Canada, parts of Europe, Singapore and Malaysia.


New Age Walls is an online boutique and caters or customers worldwide. We doesn't want to restrict our customers to Australia only and we want to be able to share our products and services with the world.

Our production teams are located in Melbourne, USA and Singapore in order to reach our customers as quickly as possible.

However, we call Melbourne home!

We immortalise your best memories with the highest quality of products

- Tina Dochana White

Our values

Art is a form of language that opens doors. We believe an artwork put together with love and care will give you access to the best memories of your life that you want to immortalise! Hence all our artwork is made digitally by hand and each piece is given full attention.

As our customer, you will be constantly in contact with our team and be able to customise your piece to suit your home, its style and your heart!